Wednesday 21 August 2013

Productive Mornings Are The Key To Success & Happiness (Part 3) - Morning Exercise

The closure to this mini-series is in regard to the effectiveness of Exercise in the morning. We all (should) know that exercise is necessary to having a healthy lifestyle and an efficient body, and I am a firm believer of 'healthy body = healthy mind'. Most people have good intentions of exercising and getting healthy, but not a lot of us actually see it through and it is all because of that dreaded first step of getting out the door. If you can muster up the determination and actually get out there you are going to reap many benefits, but if you want to maximize the benefits try doing your exercise early in the morning. Here's why:

  1. Boost Your Metabolism - Working out in the morning is like a jump start for your metabolism, and gets that system of yours running efficiently.
  2. You Are More Likely To Actually Work Out - By working out in the morning you are setting you body up for a regimen of consistent exercise. Excuses like fatigue after a long day at work or after work reports aren't a factor first thing in the morning. Consistency is key!
  3. Boost Your Brain - Working out in the morning wakes up your brain and kick starts it into your day. Giving you more focus and ingenuity throughout the day. Perhaps working out in the morning is what will give you that edge to be a more appealing candidate for that promotion.
  4. More Energy and Better Mood - Morning exercise makes you feel better. I have never went out running and on my return said ' I wish I never did that'. It sets you up for your day and releases endorphins making you happy.
  5. Lose Weight More Effectively - Early morning exercise helps you burn those calories more effectively. By working out in the morning your body uses the calories you consume more efficiently than if you were sedentary in the morning.
Make sure you do a multitude of exercises and not just stick to the same repetitive exercises everyday. Variety is important! So after these three posts I hope I have convinced you all to at least try rising early. From a self confessed morning lark it really does make all the difference in your life. So get out there and make a truly rewarding change in your life.

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